So earlier this week, I had the honor of being asked to be on a podcast for the ESO Network who are a large group of amazing geeky people. I’ve had run-ins with them before at conventions and technically I’ve been on a few podcasts of theirs by virtue of simply being on a panel they were recording, but this was the first formal invitation.  So I got put into the Geek Seat.
Ya’ll. I have hardly ever giggled or laughed that much in such a short period of time, it was amazing.  So if you want to hear me answer some hysterical questions all about nerdity and geekery and then a panel review with me and several of the other amazing ESO hosts about the latest adaptation of Agatha Christie’s Murder on the Orient Express, give this episode a listen.  Click on the picture below to take you to the direct link for the podcast OR find it where you find all great podcasts.
I really enjoyed the movie itself, though I will freely admit that I walked into it having freshly re-read the book so I could do a better compare and contrast and with having seen several of the other adaptations.  The book is a wonderful character piece and the movie portrays that well. Kenneth Branagh does a great job with the role of Hercule Poirot, though much like with Doctor Who, he’ll never be my Poirot ( David Suchet, if you wondered, I watched a lot of PBS as a kid).  He did the role justice though and it’s my second favorite adaptation of this book.  The rest of the cast is fabulous and there’s a lot in there to unpack. The movie isn’t as long as I thought it would be and it drags a little in some odd places.  Overall, I give it a 4.5 out of 5 (with the .5 attributed to nostalgia because I love Poirot and hope this will inspire fresh interest in Agatha’s works).