There’s a thing going around again about how to be successful at writing, you have to write every day. How that’s what makes a good writer. I’m here to say that that advice is crap. Now I’m not talking about blowing past your deadlines – that’s different. But the idea that to be a real writer, you need to write every day? That’s some bullpucky right there, friends.

Write what you want to see in the world, write your dreams and fantasies, write whenever you want. Write whenever you can. It DOESN’T have to be daily. The linked article is one I love and reread so much because it reminds me that I am a writer because I write. That anyone who tells me differently is wrong and that there’s no shame in going with my flow.
So let go of the shame and go with your own flow and make your own writing magic. I can’t wait to see what you write.