Wow. This October marks the 10th anniversary of Dewey’s Readathon, and if you have no idea what I’m talking about, I urge you to check this link out. It’s an amazing thing that I look forward to every time it rolls around. This year they are doing 30 Days of Readathon leading up to it and it looks like a blast. So here’s the chart if you want to keep up with me.
I’m a few days behind, but I’ll try and catch up as quickly as possible, when life allows me to. Being a writer with a day job does have it’s downsides.
30. Favorite Book
Gosh, that’s like trying to pick a favorite child or pet. My library isn’t 2500+ strong because I’m not really a big reader. There are a few that I habitually go back to, some that I own in several formats, and then there are some that I continually buy and re-buy because I keep flinging them at people (Good Omens, if you’re curious. I’ve bought it about 19-20 times by now). So I will talk about one of the books that I re-read frequently. It’s an old book, written by Edgar Rice Burroughs back in 1912 and it’s the first in the Barsoom series. I’m talking, of course, of A Princess of Mars. You might be more familiar with the movie based on it that Disney put out years ago, titled John Carter. The movie itself is excellent and a fairly decent adaptation of the first two Barsoom books. This book mixed my love of fantasy and history with my love of space and gave me exciting adventures
on a far away planet. It gave me a heroine that wasn’t the traditional damsel in distress. She’s a competent adventurer, fully capable of defending herself and surviving the wilds of Mars without John’s help. The movie made her the leading scientist of Helium, which was something I adored. It gave me a healthy romance pairing and aliens who weren’t humans in funny costumes. It gave me a world that felt alive and lived in.
It’s the first out of a long series and overall, it’s one of my favorite reads and re-reads because it’s all around a great story.