The Q&A and Slush Prompt Pot posts for the 5$ and up patrons are now live on Patreon.  There’s also a neat DVD extra about the song that Seven for A Seal, the third installment of Happiness is A Warm Sealskin, was written to.
And as ever, if you only care about the short stories, then 1$ gets you access to the current month’s story and all the previous months. is the link in case you want to check it out. There is one free story already up there.
I’m working on getting caught up on the stuff that got shoved to the wayside during the month of November, which turned out to be a much crazier month than anticipated.  Including family funeral drama, 2 ER trips, 1 Vet Trip, a Tornado, the Hobbit House Flooding, Baby’s First (eventually denied) Homeowners Insurance Claim, Day Job Drama, Clearing up Flood damage, weekend trip to MD, and of course, NaNoWriMo.
I have told my parents that all I want for my birthday this year is everyone to be healthy.  He muttered something about how buying something would be easier.
A longer update to follow later, for now the cats are attempting to attack our bowls of mac ‘n’ cheese.