In cleaning out my bookmarks folders (something that I occasionally do in order to prune out all the dead links) I happened upon several things that I had been meaning to actually do a blog post on, but life intervened and for one reason or another, it never happened.
Given that 2019 is my year for kindness (radical, reckless kindness for both others and myself) and acknowledging that my life is no less crazy than it was back then, so the likelihood of each of these getting said blog post is slim to none. I resolved instead to put them some of them here as a kind of link roundup ( to put all of them would make this post long in all the bad ways so I’m breaking them up into chunks).
Women Aren’t Nags – We’re Just Fed Up – a piece on emotional labor and how it’s still something that a lot of guys just don’t understand.
Hunger Makes Me  – this piece threw me for a loop when I first read it. My emotional response to it was overwhelming and complicated. Overall, it was an excellent piece. CW: does lightly reference eating disorders and dieting.
How to win a culture war and lose a generation – an older article, but no less relevant or salient for the passing of time. Followed up by From Waging War to Washing Feet: How do we move forward? – both of these articles are written by the same person, Rachel Held Evans, and both of them are very good, especially given the day and age we are in, and the clashes between the generations.
When Will White People Stop Making Movies Like ‘Avatar’ – an intriguing look at Avatar and the problems inherit with that film and others like it.
Attacking Avatar – another look at breaking down Avatar and why exactly it left you unsatisfied after viewing it.