Dragon*Con 2018

Dragon Con 2018 is almost here!  As the con approaches next weekend (someone please tell me where the month of August went), here’s the schedule for where I’ll be/where you can find me.   Please check the app/Daily Dragon for any updated room assignments or times!


11:30AM:   Urban Fantasy Remixes:  Fairytales, Folklore, &You –  this is a paid workshop (10.00 at the door) that I do as part of Michael Stackpole and Aaron Allston’s Hourly Writing Workshops.   This year I’m doing one on how to fracture a fairytale and introduce fairytale/folklore elements into your worldbuilding for fun and profit.    Hyatt Hanover A & B

1PM:  River of Souls:  Beowulf in the Wheel of Time –  River of Souls is Brandon Sanderson’s “officially unofficial” WOT short story.  The panel’s experts will explore the events of the story, how it possibly fits into the timeline and its roots in mythology.  Marriott L401-M105

2:30PM: Classic Sci-Fi Remakes: Westworld, Lost In Space, Planet of the Apes –  Remakes of classic Sci-Fi can be incredible, terrible, or terribly incredible.  We discuss which is which  when we look at recent remakes such as Westworld, Lost in Space, and more!   Marriott M103-M105

7PM:  After-Hours Writing Sprints – also part of the Hourly Writing Workshops – however this one is FREE and OPEN TO ALL.   Come join me and fellow author Alison Sky Richards as we host writing sprints, genre mixer, and so much more.  Hyatt Hanover A&B

10pm:  We Have Always Been Here: LGBTQ Legends in Classic Sci-Fi – so funny story about this panel…a large portion of it is kind of my fault.  So come see me and a whole host of other truly amazing people as we talk about the LGBTQ legends that have been woven into the tapestry of classic science-fiction. 


Amazingly I am only actually on one panel right now – which hasn’t happened to me in YEARS.

5:30PM: Killjoys Season 4: Life in the Green Lane – After some shocking revelations about Dutch’s past and the faceoff with Aneela since S3 ended with a weird weird bang,  we look at what we know so far and possibly where we think the show might be heading.  Marriott M302-303


11AM:  200 Years of Women in SF – I am so jazzed for this panel.  It’s a 90 minute panel pretty much nerding out over women in SF, the culture we have to deal with, and some of the barriers still in our way.   Also pimping out so many awesome writers you may never have heard of. It’s going to be a delight!  Hyatt embassy AB

1PM: Classic Sci-Fi Fandom Her-Story:  Women in Fan Culture – Women have always been at the forefront of SF, from the beginning of ‘zines and conventions up through now.  A celebration of that history and a discussion about how we can honor them by following in their example.  Marriott M103-M105

2:30PM: The Psychology of the Apocalypse –  from PTSD to depression, the side effects of surviving the end of the world, or any disaster, are real.  The panel of experts take a look at the impact  of such things on an individual’s mental health as well as what drives our actions both before and after the big event.   Westin Chastain F-H 

7PM:  Westworld: Expanded Horizons – a look at Westworld S2 and a deep dive into the mythology and plotline and easter eggs of this incredible series.   Heavily Spoiler-iffic!  You are warned.   Marriott M301-303


10AM:  Maze Runner A Fan Discussion Panel – a look at both the movie and book worlds.  Where they differ, why, and everything else we can think of.   This IS a Kid-Friendly panel.   Westin Chastain F-HÂ