Fannish_Fifty: Book Club (2018) A Visual Crackfic

Book Club (2018)  was An Experience. A cracktastic experience.

So the basic premise for this movie is “Four friends’ lives are turned upside down when their book club tackles the infamous “50 Shades of Grey.” From discovering new romance to rekindling old flames, they inspire each other to make their next chapter the best chapter.” (Thanks, Google)

That…that does not really capture how incredibly bonkers this film is.  Because this film is absolutely  B-O-N-K-E-R-S.   Like it’s two bananas short of a banana split.  

How I came to see this film since it had not been on my radar at all. Well, Spice #3 texted me and went “So I need you to watch this movie with me”  which was both very suspicious and very intriguing.  Anytime one of the Spices tell me “you gotta see this” it is always either going to be mind-blowingly awesome or mind-blowingly shitmazing.  There’s no in-between. 

It has an amazing cast,  Candice Bergen, Mary Steenburgen, Craig T. Nelson, Andy Garcia, Jane Fonda, Diane Keaton, and Don Johnson are most of the main cast and it’s wonderful in the way that I snickered hard enough to strain muscles watching this movie. 

I straight up cannot believe this movie got made.   This is the kind of movie where you have Very 

Sincere Doubts that anyone involved in the writing was sober by any metric.  This is visual crackfic and I know crackfic.   I “came of age”  during the wild west fandom years – I have read crackfic and written crackfic, I can tell you what quality crack from non-quality crack is.

This was glorious crackfic of the kind where it took me back to the LJ days pre-Strikethrough and it was amazing.

Fannish_Fifty: Clue (1985)

CW: Mention of Queerbaiting Under The Picture

Clue (1985) 

Okay, yes, I can see some of you already clutching pearls that I went 30 years without ever having seen this movie. I’m just going to put up a mental sign that says “I grew up weird and not totally on this continent” and just leave it at that, alright? 

Anyways, Tim Curry is the best.  This is known.  This role was perfect for him and it was hysterical watching him run around like a mad thing and dragging everyone with him.  

I spent most of the film believing Leslie Ann Warren was Susan Sarandon.  I apparently cannot tell them apart in this specific role. 

It was sort of amusing to watch them all devolve into complete bonkers. I have now also seen the scene where one of my favorite gifs of all times comes from. Mrs. White FTW.  It was entertaining for a movie based around a popular board game.

Though I do feel some kind of way about the gay man being “gifted” the lead pipe and then later on, when it’s revealed it’s actually queerbaiting and he’s a secret straight plant –  I know, I know, the movie is 37 and stigma and society and blackmail and all that.  

It’s believable and that’s the problem.  That thing happened. It happened probably more often than we will ever know.   To see it here in a movie that’s a comic mystery movie…I just wish they’d chosen something, anything else for that character’s background. It left a decidedly sour taste in my mouth. 

Glad I watched it, I get why people love it, but I’m not likely to rewatch it.