Wednesday Reads/Listens: Catch Up Post

Welcome to Wednesday Reads/Listens!  It’s been a hot moment since I did one of these.   So here you go!

What I’ve Been Reading:

The Only Harmless Great Thing – Brooke Bolander

Everyone read this book. Everyone read this book and then come talk to me about it. Because this is a slim but majestic book that will leave you breathless with the delight of the prose.

The Sumage Solution – by Gail Carriger

Oh this was a delight and I cannot wait for the next one. The worldbuilding is great and the characterization is delightful and I super love the way that she builds her stories

Omega Required – Dessa Lux

The first novel length story from this author and I looove this one. I love her worldbuilding and her shifters and just the amount of sleep I lost over this book cause I couldn’t stop reading it. I really hope there are like 20 sequels to this.

The City Born Great – N.K. Jemisin
A short story but an AMAZING one. Definitely pick this one up. It’s hard to describe, but definitely worth the time.

Emily Wilson’s The Odyssey –

Oh. OH. This translation is everything I wanted and never knew I needed.

A Queen From The North – Erin McRae and Racheline Maltese

This was absolutely delightful – an alternate universe of England where everything is just a little to the left and it’s positively awesome.

The Brightest Fell – Seanan McGuire

It’s okay. I didn’t need my heart. Totally fine.

A whole lot of Ursula K. LeGuin essays and books and stories- but that’s going to have to be a separate post.

And a whole bunch of fanfic and news articles.  Poke me if you want some of those links!

What I’ve Been Listening To (podcasts that make me scream in delight, send shivers down my spine, tickle me because of the sheer meta levels of NERD, and generally give me A Strong Emotion):

Steal The Stars – a wholly interesting audio drama full of twists and turns and some excellent character moments. Protagonist is female and completely kick ass.  This is the inaugural podcast of Tor Labs and it’s weird and quirky and I sort of want to know more and I sort of am happy with where they left it.

Ars Paradoxica – This continues to delight and thrill me and I’m going to be sad when it ends. Featuring an ace female protagonist!!!  Also time travel,  so much weird, small government towns, and a Partridge in a pair tree.

The Bright Sessions – OH this one is so good. SO GOOD and I am sad to see it ending too even if there are more spinoffs planned.  Just SO much emotional connection to these characters and their stories and just OMG.  I remain forever emotionally compromised by this show and I welcome it because it’s brilliant and just so amazing.

Tanis/The Last Movie/The Black Tapes/Rabbits – how much do I love these? Let me count the ways. I love the plotting and the craft and the everything. I love that I am incredibly terrified that one of these days I will actually have to listen to Nic Silver die over the radio because his reporter dumb can’t stop touching the thing. MK is amazing. I have serious qualms about Alex’s ethical boundaries and I super love the messiness of it all.  I feel for Strand.   I adore Carly Parker so hardcore.   I love how they captured the weird spooky feeling you get when you visit some places in the Pacific Northwest.

I’m pretty sure all four are connected and it’s gonna end with them accidentally raising an Elder God ( I could go on, but then we verge into spoiler territory).

Casefile True Crime – this is sincerely the best true crime podcast out there. I love the host, the music, the research they put into everything. It’s amazing.  ESPECIALLY the series about the Night Stalker/East Area Rapist/Golden State Killer.

The FBI Basement – recaps of the X-Files from the beginning with a whole host of hysterical characters. I love the nerdery involved and all the details they mention and just everything.

Why Is This Happening – Chris Hayes’ new podcast and it’s awesome. It’s SO worth it. He covers some amazing topics and it’s great to hear him and the experts he talks to break down the subject matter into easily understandable chunks.

I will stop there for the evening.  But hey, if you’ve read any of these books or listened to any of these podcasts, come chat with me!   I’d love to hear what other people think of any of the above.

Passing Though: Narnia and Every Heart A Doorway

Here is a post I wrote about a year or so ago for a different blog, but it was on my mind today so I figured I’d repost it.


I’ve told people this before. But I’ll say again and I’ll put it here in writing so that it’ll live on after me.  If I manage to find a secret door to someplace fantastic or happen to walk into 1920’s Paris randomly after midnight, I won’t be coming back.  I know somewhere it says that the true mark of the hero’s journey is that he/they return to tell people about it and the wisdom that they learned…and that not doing so is sometimes seen as cowardice or a failed hero etc…

I’m okay with that actually.

It always bothered me when people got to be kings and queens and then tripped over something and got shoved back home, back to the bodies they’d had at the beginning of the story before their Adventures.  Because that just wasn’t fair at all.  They lived those years, they earned those wrinkles and scars and it was in essence being stolen from them in the worst kind of way.   Where they retained the minds and the memories, but not the physical trappings that went with those changes.  Because it’s cheating and it’s not right.   Narnia is the biggest example of this and probably one of the most used examples, I’d wager, because of Susan.

Susan is seen as falling away from the elite number of Earthbound Narnians. That she tells them it’s all in their heads and the silly fantasies and games that they used to play as children etc.   This is seen as a Bad Thing and not to emulated and as a little kid, I couldn’t wrap my brain around why she would do that.  It wasn’t until I got older that I started to understand it more and more.   The cruelest thing in the world is to have your heart’s desire and then have it taken away and  you never being able to get it back.   Queen Susan the Gentle was the most beautiful Daughter of Eve in all of Narnia and a good many of the surrounding lands.  To have grown up there with that kind of stature and influence and then be shoved straight back into your preteen/teen body that you’d started in back in the place you’d been shoved because you couldn’t stay with your parents because there was a war and London was constantly being bombed.  To have healed from a lot of that and then get rudely shoved back, and yet not returned to the same exact mindset.   The Pevensies retained all their memories of their time in Narnia.   To go from being a woman grown and in control and used to having that power and influence to the awkward preteen/teen years where you are no one special and no one has to give you the time of day, much less anything more than that.

It’s one hell of an adjustment.

Then it gets worse. They’re able to go back.  Except it’s not the same Narnia as the one they left.   It hasn’t been that long in Earth time but it’s been hundreds of years in Narnia.  The time differential there is extreme.   Still.  They’re able to go back and it’s glorious until it isn’t.   Until they go through all the trials and troubles of this new adventure and then the worst news of all happens.   This will be the last time Susan and Peter can come to Narnia and they’re not allowed to stay behind and just not leave.

Again she has to go back.  Again she has to adjust.  There’s a whole mess of gender issues here with these adjustments, because where being older than your years, clever, ambitious, and forthright is becoming in men, the same cannot be said of girls.  Peter and Edward will go farther than their peers might because of some of this.  Any of those qualities in women are frowned upon. Susan held the title of Gentle and beautiful, but those hands were not milk-soft. She had archer’s hands and was never one to suffer fools gladly.

She had a much much harder climb back to “normal”  than her siblings did.  Lucy had some of it but she was younger and flights of fantasy are acceptable in younger girls and not as acceptable when you are approaching womanhood.  There was an age gap there between the two female siblings that probably seemed like a huge gulf at times.  Because context, as women know and know well, context is everything.    So yes, the fact that “Susan fell away”  is completely understandable once you see the context of the time she lived in, the stark realities of what was done to her, not once but twice, and you have some basic concept of trauma recovery.

Bear with me, there’s a reason why this came up.

So I finished Every Heart A Doorway.   And it’s the sort of book that is amazing and grand and painful like glass shards in your heart.  Where you are grateful for the bleeding wounds because it tells you you are still alive. Cause I’m 30 and I’ve been reading for 27 years and this is the first book where someone like me was prominently featured and they used our terms and our language and it was just nice to see that.  But I’m also the kid who has never ever stopped opening every single wardrobe and linen closet and cupboard in the hopes of eventually finding a door to somewhere else. To this day, I still do that and that was a thing that made this book simultaneously grand and also like mirror shards in my heart.

This book has a prominent character who is asexual. Who uses that term specifically and it isn’t played for laughs or shock value.  It’s there and it’s normalized.  It’s not something to be fixed, Nancy’s not considered broken because she doesn’t want sex.    Words cannot describe how much just that alone meant to me.

And then there’s the  setting.  A home, a therapy home for kids who fell through cupboards and wardrobes to wondrous, terrifying, amazing places and then came back to Earth.   Got shoved back to Earth and just like Susan, either cannot go back at all or just haven’t found the door back yet.  A home where it’s okay to be as you are,  it’s okay to have feelings about your Adventure, a place where you won’t be called liar for telling your story, where you went, who you saw.    It’s incredible and breathtaking and so bittersweet, like sampling good gourmet semi-dark chocolate where it takes you a long moment to sort through all the flavors blended into it.

This story is real in ways that a lot of books aren’t, it has a truth behind it and it doesn’t shirk away from difficult subjects.  It calls to mind  what Sherman Alexie said, about how the best kids’ books are written in blood.  This book is something I wish I had had twenty years ago.   Ten year old me would have benefited a lot from this book, maybe the years after wouldn’t have been quite so rocky and fraught,  maybe it would have just been rocky and fraught in different ways.  No way of knowing now.  Unless you have a time machine, and really if you do, we have MUCH bigger issues to solve than my weird sort of traumatic upbringing.     Having this now gives me a little balm, a little hope, relief that someone understands.  This book is proof that someone else understands what it’s like.

As it comforts me in some ways, it makes me bleed in others.  The line about the Door that was still waiting in the corner of a bedroom that would eventually fade away because its’ human had died…I had to stop there for a moment and remind myself that people need to breathe.    And my roomie was a little startled at my “Oh no, it’s [x]”  well before we ever find out who actually “dun” it.

Oh and Kade’s story shatters me because I hadn’t thought of it like that,  that the Faeries might not want a prince when they’d snatched a princess.  I am surprised that they didn’t murder him because Fae historically have very bad reactions to being “cheated” and this is the sort of thing that they would classify as that.

Weirdly, also the cocoa scene was harder on me than some of the others.

But I’d love to talk about this, hear what ya’ll who’ve read it have thought of it. Who you love and why?  What was hard and why if you feel like sharing.